Oasis Health Products to Provide Manufacturing Services for Itonis Pharmaceuticals Anti-Nausea Products

Posted 12:01:00 05/02/2013 by Admin

LAGUNA HILLS, Calif., May 2, 2013 Itonis, Inc. (ITNS) and Charles Hensley, Ph.D., the inventor of the Zicam(R) Cold Remedy, and founding member of Itonis Pharmaceuticals, are pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a manufacturing agreement with Oasis Health Products, Inc. to manufacture Emesyl(TM), the company's over-the-counter homeopathic products for the relief of nausea.

Dr. Hensley commented, Oasis Health Products was our first choice as our manufacturer for our homeopathic products and we are extremely pleased that they will be providing us with comprehensive contract manufacturing services for our anti-nausea products.

Please visit http://www.oasishp.com for additional information.

About Itonis Pharmaceuticals

Itonis Pharmaceuticals, a new division of Itonis, Inc., is headed by Charles Hensley, Ph.D. This division's mission is to create and market over-the-counter and prescription homeopathic products that better people's lives. Dr. Hensley is a pioneer in the development and marketing of safe and effective therapeutic nutraceutical and homeopathic preparations. He was a founder of the company that launched the Zicam(R) Cold Remedy, making the product a household name and forever changing the marketing and product placement paradigm for homeopathic drugs in the United States. Dr. Hensley and his team plan to use the same methodologies to revolutionize the treatment of several other common ailments and other chronic diseases.


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